Nybrogatan, Stockholm. noon.
Tuesday, 29 May 2007
We ourselves are not an illusory part of Reality; rather are we Reality itself illusorily conceived. - Fingers Pointing Toward the Moon by Wei Wu Wei
more to come o zlu zvanom Facebook i komercijalizaciji jednog bubrega...
more to come o zlu zvanom Facebook i komercijalizaciji jednog bubrega...
Sunday, 27 May 2007
The End of Raven, by Edgar Allan Poe's Cat
On a night quite unenchanting,
when the rain was downward slanting,
I awakened to the ranting
of the man I catch mice for.
Tipsy and a bit unshaven,
in a tone I found quite craven,
Poe was talking to a Raven perched
above the chamber door.
"Raven's very tasty," thought I,
as I tiptoed o'er the floor,
"There is nothing I like more".
Soft upon the rug I treaded,
calm and careful as I headed
Towards his roost atop that dreaded
bust of Pallas I deplore.
While the bard and birdie chattered,
I made sure that nothing clattered,
Creaked, or snapped, or fell, or shattered,
as I crossed the corridor;
For his house is crammed with trinkets,
curios and weird decor -
Bric-a-brac and junk galore.
Still the Raven never fluttered,
standing stock-still as he uttered,
In a voice that shrieked and sputtered,
his two cents' worth - "Nevermore."
While this dirge the birdbrain kept up,
oh, so silently I crept up,
Then I crouched and quickly leapt up,
pouncing on the feathered bore.
Soon he was a heap of plumage,
and a little blood and gore-
Only this and not much more.
"Oooo!" my pickled poet cried out,
"Pussycat, it's time I dried out!
Never sat I in my hideout
talking to a bird before.
How I've wallowed in self-pity,
while my gallant, valiant kitty
Put and end to that damned ditty" -
then I heard him start to snore.
Back atop the door I clambered,
eyed that statue I abhor,
Jumped - and smashed it on the floor.
:) (from Henry Beard's, Poetry for Cats, copyright 1994)
when the rain was downward slanting,
I awakened to the ranting
of the man I catch mice for.
Tipsy and a bit unshaven,
in a tone I found quite craven,
Poe was talking to a Raven perched
above the chamber door.
"Raven's very tasty," thought I,
as I tiptoed o'er the floor,
"There is nothing I like more".
Soft upon the rug I treaded,
calm and careful as I headed
Towards his roost atop that dreaded
bust of Pallas I deplore.
While the bard and birdie chattered,
I made sure that nothing clattered,
Creaked, or snapped, or fell, or shattered,
as I crossed the corridor;
For his house is crammed with trinkets,
curios and weird decor -
Bric-a-brac and junk galore.
Still the Raven never fluttered,
standing stock-still as he uttered,
In a voice that shrieked and sputtered,
his two cents' worth - "Nevermore."
While this dirge the birdbrain kept up,
oh, so silently I crept up,
Then I crouched and quickly leapt up,
pouncing on the feathered bore.
Soon he was a heap of plumage,
and a little blood and gore-
Only this and not much more.
"Oooo!" my pickled poet cried out,
"Pussycat, it's time I dried out!
Never sat I in my hideout
talking to a bird before.
How I've wallowed in self-pity,
while my gallant, valiant kitty
Put and end to that damned ditty" -
then I heard him start to snore.
Back atop the door I clambered,
eyed that statue I abhor,
Jumped - and smashed it on the floor.
:) (from Henry Beard's, Poetry for Cats, copyright 1994)
Thursday, 24 May 2007
Pogresan Lervik
...i posle svega, ptica mi ukrala celu tablu cokolade! Ih, kako da se
ljutim? Ptica mi je odletela iza leđa sa c e l o m t a b l o m č o k o l a d e!
Welcome to Sweden.
Friday, 11 May 2007
Juče Kalemegdan...
danas okružni zatvor u Subotici. All in a day's work! ;) Bilo je i krajnje vreme da dobijem svoj kriminalni dosije. Na šta bi mi inače biografija ličila?

Anyway, ovo je lepo palo... Mmm... Kalemegdan... sunce... izležavanje na travi... podseća na Brisel... :) Večeras, potraga za nekim tragom kulture i života u Subotici...
- kriminalka

Anyway, ovo je lepo palo... Mmm... Kalemegdan... sunce... izležavanje na travi... podseća na Brisel... :) Večeras, potraga za nekim tragom kulture i života u Subotici...
- kriminalka
Saturday, 5 May 2007
Tuesday, 1 May 2007
Palić... na korak od ringišpila i šećerne vate...
Posle Olomouca, Bratislavskog jutra, popodnevnog sunčanja u Budimpešti i promatranja golubova... Dozvoljavam sebi samo po stranicu dnevno Assmannove knjige. Još pretty much u uvodnom delu, ali osvetlao je obraz kad iznenada (o svom pristupu radu) reče:
"...having turned to ancient Egypt thirty-five years ago with questions that are all too easily forgotten as soon as one enters an academic discipline. Disciplines develop questions of their own and by doing so function as a mnemotechnique of forgetting with regard to concerns of a more general and fundamental character. In this book I try to remember and recover the questions, not to answer them."
"...having turned to ancient Egypt thirty-five years ago with questions that are all too easily forgotten as soon as one enters an academic discipline. Disciplines develop questions of their own and by doing so function as a mnemotechnique of forgetting with regard to concerns of a more general and fundamental character. In this book I try to remember and recover the questions, not to answer them."
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