danas okružni zatvor u Subotici. All in a day's work! ;) Bilo je i krajnje vreme da dobijem svoj kriminalni dosije. Na šta bi mi inače biografija ličila?
Anyway, ovo je lepo palo... Mmm... Kalemegdan... sunce... izležavanje na travi... podseća na Brisel... :) Večeras, potraga za nekim tragom kulture i života u Subotici... - kriminalka
This is not a blog. Instead, here's a quote:
--"Be what you would seem to be"--or if you'd like it put more simply--"Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise."'
Cheers! (and pay no heed to the Dutchess!)
1 comment:
ah, i niko da me pita o ovom strašnom iskustvu...
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